date: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 time: 6:40 AM subject:
heya people of 6 ORCHID 09~
have you all learned the grad tea dance yet? :D i bet not. just familliarise yourself with it, otherwise sheena might blow her top again D: HAHA. just kidding man. just to remind you'all not to tell on facebook/blog/twitter about our item, although i bet like, 50% of the p6 cohort already knows :P
so, its the marking holidayy, enjoying urselves huh. pray pray PRAY that the teachers are lenient and will give us lots of MARKs. (: i'll be posting a photo that i edited, well, the photo that we took on childrens' day with the class t-shirt ppl. okay (:
Blame me if you must, but i think i made the blog ALOT more interesting!<3
And i think I like the name "Orchie-Scorchie"
We adore this blog ♥
And everyone in 6 Orchid oh'9 ♥
especially our precious darling Eunice Foo~